Sunday, February 2, 2020

Rakes and Roses (Mayfield Family #3) by Josi S. Kilpack book review

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Rakes and Roses

(Mayfield Family #3)

My Review: 9/10

 One of my favorite books to read is when there are characters who undergo personality transformation, whether it be through circumstances, natural growth, or the influence of another character. I love to see believable and inspiring change. This novel had that. Add a strong female lead and a sweet romance and I'm hooked.

I think it would have been an even stronger story over multiple books or a more drawn out time period, as overcoming addiction can often take much more time than is portrayed in the story. However, it was still within the realm of reason, since we meet Harry at rock bottom and there is within him a desire to change.

 I absolutely adore this series. Keep it coming!