Monday, January 7, 2019

Daisies and Devotion (Mayfield Family #2) by Josi S. Kilpack book review


Daisies and Devotion

(Mayfield Family #2)

Timothy Mayfield has nearly given up on his search for a wife. Though he is the picture of a fine, social gentleman, Timothy wishes his finances provided a more stable foundation. Then his Uncle Elliott presents to him a solution: participate in his “marriage campaign,” and upon approval of his choice for a wife, Timothy’s inheritance will be his.

Freed from the constraints of having to marry for money, Timothy is ready to marry for love instead. And he knows exactly what he wants in a wife: youth, optimism, beauty, blonde hair, fine-boned features, shapely shoulders, small waist, blue eyes, button nose, solid fashion sense, a light laugh, low voice, arched eyebrows, fair skin, elegant fingers, quick wit, calm manner, and a dazzling smile.

His friend, Maryann Morrington, an heiress in her own right, tells him outright that his expectations are ridiculous—no such woman exists. Maryann had considered Timothy as a potential suitor for a time, but then their relationship shifted to friendship and she has avoided allowing herself to have feelings for him again.

She agrees to help him find his “perfect wife,” because she’s certain that the search will render nothing. Until it does. Miss Shaw appears to fulfill every single item on Timothy’s list—unlike Maryann who has brown hair, brown eyes, lacks delicate features, and possesses a laugh that is definitely unladylike.

But when Timothy and Miss Shaw begin courting, Timothy realizes something profound. He’d rather spend his time with Maryann. But can he trust his judgment when his heart has led him wrong so many times before?

It is only when Maryann leaves the London season early, that Timothy realizes that he had truly fallen in love with her and that his list of requirements were nothing but fantasy. If he hopes to build a strong relationship, Timothy must convince Maryann that she is the very woman he’d been looking for all along—before it is too late.

My review: 10/10

This book sucked me in right away and as a result, I stayed up all night to finish it. And then went back and read all of my favorite parts over again (no small feat). That is super rare for me. It was just SO good.

I loved the premise for this book: that the interest and attraction is one-sided (realistic) and that there is character development and growth that changes things. The relationship that grows is based on friendship, playfulness, bringing out the best in each, confiding secrets and challenging each other- all of the best ingredients for a super sweet love story. Timothy was cheerful and worked hard to be a man of strong moral character, a delightful combination. He was honest to a fault. Most of the time, he was a very believable male character: a bit insensitive and not realizing how something sounded until after the fact. Maryann was strong, bold and intelligent.

The only thing I didn't like was Maryann's reaction at the very end. She dragged it out way too long and the refusal to hope or trust did not seem in line with the personality she displayed throughout the novel. And then, that leads to over the top gushy confessions which are not my cup of tea either. But overall, it was a small blip in an otherwise flawless story. Love love loved.

*Side note, I am especially hoping for redemptive stories for the especially bad family members, Harry in particular!

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