Wednesday, October 21, 2020

An Ivy Hill Christmas (Tales from Ivy Hill) by Julie Klassen book review

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An Ivy Hill Christmas

(Tales from Ivy Hill)

Richard Brockwell, the younger son of Ivy Hill's most prominent family, hasn't been home for Christmas in years. He prefers to live in the London townhouse, far away from Brockwell Court, the old family secret that haunts him, and the shadows of his past mistakes. But then his mother threatens to stop funding his carefree life--unless he comes home for Christmas. Out of options, he sets out for Ivy Hill, planning to be back on a coach bound for London and his unencumbered bachelor life as soon as the festivities are over.

But Christmas in the country presents unforeseen surprises, including encounters with an orphaned apprentice, the first love he disappointed years ago, and Arabella Awdry, a young lady who is far more appealing than he recalled . . . and determined to have nothing to do with him.

Will Christmastime in Ivy Hill, with its village charm, kissing boughs, joyous songs, and divine hope, work its magic in his heart . . . and hers as well?


My Review: 8/10 


I know it's only October but this novel really put me in the spirit of Christmas. And in the midst of what feels like a never ending global pandemic, the concept of cozy house parties, large family meals, gatherings, and outings filled me with good cheer. It let me live vicariously through characters who could travel, hug, dance and physically be close to one another.

I liked Richard with his scrooge-y attitude and I admired Arabella's convictions and fortitude. They both experienced personal growth. I found Richard's point of view refreshing. His outlook and concerns were not common for the hero of these kinds of stories. And I thoroughly loved the unorthodox ending.


On a minor side note, I didn't like the random uncited use of lines from Pride and Prejudice. I felt it cheapened Arabella's own unique voice. And, as she never reminded me of Lizzie Bennet, it felt especially out of place.

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